Bridge Integrated Primary School

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70 Ballygown Road, Banbridge, County Down BT32 3EL

02840 662055

Bridge Integrated Primary School

Educating resilient, reflective, resourceful, respectful learners

P7 Final Day and Awards

Congratulations to all of our amazing P7 pupils who celebrated their last day in school today. It was a day full of emotions and the Parents Group ensured there was also plenty of food and fun to be enjoyed.
Jackson had the honour of both piping his P7 peers into the hall for the awards and also out of school for their final farewell from the whole school community with a huge clap as they left our school.

The day started off with our annual awards ceremony, where each and every child is celebrated and recognised by staff and their peers. The highlight was definitely listening to the heartfelt compliments P7 said about each other. There was a full hall of parents and P5 & 6 looked on in anticipation and awe at the excellent P7 role models.  Lots of proud happy pupils.  A huge thank-you yet again to Our Parents Group who organised beautiful class photos for each child.


Best of luck to all of our leavers as you move on to your new schools! 

Have a great summer!

Enjoy some of the photos below.