Welcome to P.5. We have two P.5 classes and our teachers are Mrs Turley and Mr O'Neill.
In P5 pupils are encouraged to be curious, take risks with their learning, to know that it is ok to make mistakes and learn from these. Pupils continue to use concrete resources in many lessons and enjoy practical interactive lessons which help them be creative and develop problem solving and thinking skills. We love to watch pupils develop greater independent skills and feel proud of all of the small steps they take to make be the best they can be. Our classroom environments are bright, positive and organised. We encourage all or pupils to simply try their best and are there to support and help them along the way.
Christmas animations
P5T enjoyed using Jit5 on the Just2Easy software to create some fun Christmas animations
Have a look and see what you think.
Christmas Challenges Adobe Workshop
P5 participated in a live online Adobe Workshop on 12th December. Pupils were very creative working in pairs and had lots of fun creating a Christmas card image.
Christmas Jumper and Dinner Day 2023
Some pupils in P5 enjoy attending Mrs Proctor Lifeskills group. They love to work together to follow recipes and create something tasty. Look at the concentration on those faces as they chop, mix and rub the ingredients. Brilliant work Boys!
In P5 we love to spend time with our friends
On Friendship Friday we all enjoyed doing lots of kind things for our friends. We took the day to remind ourselves how important our friends and simply and simply enjoyed spending time together have fun! We loved being cosy in our pyjamas.
Developing new ICT skills using Adobe Express
P5 enjoyed a great Adobe workhop with Jennifer. We learned lots about the super features of Adobe Express and used these to create some posters to promote how we can stay healthy. It was great to see excellent listening and participation throughout the workshop. Lots of creative ways to showcase their work.
In term 1 P5 were learning about how instructions. We wrote instructions to explain how to make a healthy snadwich then had lots of fun making and eating our tasty sandwiches. Yummy!
Roots of Empathy
Both P5 classes are involved in the Roots of Empathy programme. They look forward to visits from their baby teachers and their mums. Children love to see how their baby has grown with each visit and to learn about new things they are able to do. Learning about how babies express their feelings, grow and develop is fascinating!
This year our baby teachers are Pryia and Cadhla.
In P5O we have baby Pryia and her mum Jayne and it is extra special that Pyria's big sister Aiyanna-Rose is in this class too!
In P5T our baby teacher is Cadhla and her mum Caoimhe
In P5O our Roots of Empathy tiny teacher is baby Pryia and her mum Jayne and it is extra special that Pyria's big sister Aiyanna-Rose is in this class too! Sessions are led by Mrs Proctor and there just so happens to be four pupils in this class who were previous Roots of Empathy tiny teachers! We love to see baby Pyria and welcome her with songs and smiles. We love to watch her interact and play with some toys. We also enjoy learning about new things Pyria is able to do and simply watching her.
In P5T our tiny teacher for our Roots of Empathy sessions is Cadhla and her mum Caoimhe. Cadhla is also Mrs McQuaid's lovely granddaughter. Mrs Robinson is our Roots of Empathy teacher and leads these sessions. We love to sing songs to welcome Cadhla and see if we can get her to smile. We love to measure and weigh her to see how much she has grown and ask Caoimhe lots of questions to find out more about Cadhla's development and growth.